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How to Buff a Car: A Step-by-Step Guide

January 24, 2023

How to Buff a Car: A Step-by-Step Guide

We've tried to cover all the basics so you'll be able to follow the instructions.

Step 1: Park in a Shady Area.

Make sure you have your equipment set up and place your car in a shaded location. If you've parked your car or driven outside into the heat for some time, allow your vehicle to cool down before starting.

It shouldn't be hot to the touch prior to beginning any detailing work. In addition, the sunlight's rays are very much capable of damaging some chemical bonds. This is something you don't want to happen while you work.

Step 2: Fully Wash Your Car.

Make sure you have your car shampoo ready and a car wash mitt or car sponge, as well as a bucket. Your car needs to be cleaned before you try to polish it.

  • Prepare Car Shampoo. The shampoo should be diluted according to the instructions in the bucket of water.

  • Wash the Car Thoroughly. Clean the entire car from the trunk to the hood. Don't hurry to finish this step. Get into all the crevices. Take care of each area.

It is important to note that droppings from common birds, like pigeons, are acidic and can be harmful. You might want to pay particular attention to the areas where poo is deposited.

  • Rinse and Dry. Clean your car until there is no soap remaining. Utilizing your towels (make that they're painted-friendly), dry them off.

Step 3: Clay Bar After Washing

Utilizing a clay bar can ensure that there isn't any dirt or grit that remains on the exterior of the car. If left untreated, these kinds of contaminants could be incorporated into the paint.

  • Prepare Clay Bar. Wear gloves and make sure you've got your clay bar in place. If it's large, break it up into smaller pieces to make it easier to handle. Press it until it's smooth and flexible.

  • Spray Clay Bar Lubricant. Make sure you target your vehicle in smaller sections, too, such as 2 by 2 feet. It is recommended to start towards the front of the car since it's less dirty. Spray the lubricant over the surface and also over the bar of clay the bar itself.

  • Clay Bar Your Car. By using a gentle side-to-side motion, rub it on the area. If you encounter resistance, spray more lubricant.

The bar should be checked every so frequently to make sure it's not covered with dirt. If it is, you can reshape the bar with your hands until the surface is clear.

Step 4: Re-Wash and Dry Your Car

When you're done, wash the vehicle. Rinse the vehicle as you did earlier, making sure that there's no soap residue. It is essential that your vehicle is dry before you start polishing. Grab your car-safe towels or microfiber cloths, and do a thorough job.

Step 5: Set up Your Tool of Choice

We've included directions for each kind of equipment, as well as instructions for hand-buffing.

  • High-Speed or Rotary Buffer. They're the most likely to ignite paint if used improperly. If you're not familiar with it, then set the speed to low. If the model you have isn't cordless, then plug it in.

  • Random Orbital Buffer. Make sure the speed is low or medium-high if you've not had the pleasure of using one before. Connect the unit to ensure it's fully operational.

  • Manual Buffing. There's nothing you need to prepare aside from your two hands. It's a good idea to use gloves.

Step 6: Apply Buffing Compound

Apply the product you purchased in the manner that is recommended. Certain brands will require you to spread the product to the pad and your vehicle within the pad. Follow the directions of your product. Like when you employ clay bars, you'll only be treating small portions at a time.

Step 7: Spread Compound Evenly

If using a device, do not turn it on immediately. Use the pad on the car's surface to distribute the compound in a uniform way.

Step 8: At last, Buff Your Car

The most important thing to do a good job of buffing is to have a steady hand and regular movements. Avoid sticking to one spot for too long or using excessive pressure.

  • Using a Motorized Buffer. Slide the pad across the surface that you're buffing using circular movements. It's not necessary to exert all of your force to move the pad, especially when using a high-speed model.

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