Nothing reminds me more of autumn than the stunning displays of red and orange leaves in our forests. Although this means I'll be spending a lot of time raking the lawn every weekend, it's not a major inconvenience. You should also be paying attention to another thing during the fall season. Even though it's not something that most people know, leaves can cause damage to your car.
Most leaves that fall will end up on your roof, hood, or car. Then they blow off in the winds. But, if the leaves or your car are wet from rain, they can stick. If the leaves are left on your vehicle for too long, they may begin to decompose and release chemical substances. These substances may include sap and pollen as well as acid. However, they can have two detrimental effects. These substances (especially sap), can stick to leaves and make it difficult for you remove them. If you don't remove the leaves or wash them immediately, these residues can stick to your paint and windshield, making it difficult for your wiper blades. The second side effect is that chemicals can be leaked into your paint, leaving spots, marks and discoloration. If leaves pile up on your car for days, you could be putting an end to your fresh paint job.
If the situation is severe, leaves may begin to rot under your car's undercarriage. This can lead to unpleasant smells and rust. Make sure you don't have leaves blocking your exhaust pipe or air conditioner. Every week, a quick maintenance inspection can save you hundreds of dollars in repairs.
Parking in a garage under an awning is the best way to prevent accidents. If you don't have the ability to park out of the elements or under the trees, you might consider buying a car covering. You can still leave leaves on your car if you drive, but we recommend that you remove the leaves carefully by hand to avoid scratching your paint. You might want to go to the car wash 2-3 times more often than you usually do each season.
You won't have any problems this autumn if you treat leaves as you would snow. This means that you remove the leaf from your car and then drive slowly if it gets on the roads. Car washing, regular leaf removal and maintenance checks will keep your car clean and safe throughout the year.
Abbotsford Car Detailing Profs
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